Age Positive Stage Acting Workshop - Intermediate Level

Age Positive Stage Acting Workshop - Intermediate Level

from £90.00

Wednesdays 10.30am - 12.30pm

19th June - 24th July

Standard £120.00 / Concession £90.00 block of six 2hr classes.

Dates: Block 1 or 2:
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Tutor: Daniel Finlay

All the world’s a stage and it’s never too late to be a player! Acting is a great way to boost confidence and memory while building connections over shared experiences.

This intermediate term of classes, taught in two 6 week blocks of 2 hour classes, is aimed at students who have already attended some drama classes and have started to use and understand the basic principles of acting and drama. It is a perfect follow on to our Beginners classes.

Students will explore working with text through a range of scripts and developing and applying acting tools and techniques. They will look at how to develop a character and  there will be a small ‘show and tell’ in the last week of each term.

Although Block 1 will build on the work done in Block 2 you do not have to have done Block 1 to join Block 2. Students will explore different types of scripts and characters in each block.

Suggested age 50+.

Weekly on a Wednesday


19th June - 24th July

Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm

Standard £120.00 / Concession £90.00 for six weeks of 2hr classes.

There is no drop in / pay as you go option. If you are experiencing financial hardship and need to pay weekly or seeking a part funded place please contact us directly.